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Fort portal town which is located 290 km away from Kampala is surrounded with a number of crater lakes formed 8,000 to 10,000 years ago, which has greatly attracted many tourists in the area because of the beautiful scenery these lakes produce which has led to the building of number of luxurious hotels within the areas such as Papaya safari lodge, Crater Safari Lodge, and Nkyaninga lodge, all these lodges have a great stunning view of the crate lakes, with luxurious services.

These crater lakes are breathtakingly beautiful to behold, and offer one of the best hiking places in the area, as you can trake a walk after you chimpanzee trekking experience to explore this area in great depth. Many tourists do hike to the top of these crater lakes to see the world on the top, have beautiful view of tea and coffee gardens which do lie beneath the slopes of the lakes. The landscape south of Fort Portal is dotted with picturesque crater lakes, some over 400m deep.

To match the beauty of the crater lakes, one can sometimes also see the tallest African Mountain ranges, the Rwenzori Mountains of the Moon in the distance on a clear sunny day.

A dramatic landscape of crater lakes cupped under steep hillsides, the area south of Fort Portal offers travelers a scenic retreat ideal for long walks and road cycling. This has led to many biking safaris along the area hence a boost to the tourism around the area. Those who would wish to explore the crater lakes on biking, this is more relaxing and enjoyable, as you are at your own pace, and freedom, those in love with photography, a shot of these craters, is more than a word of mouth.

Much of the land is cultivated, but primates and plenty of birds occupy the lake shores on the remaining small forested areas.

Most other lakes such as Lake Nyamugasani, Lake Ntambi, Lake Mubiro, Lake Lyantonde, Lake Nyanswiga are inaccessible. Meanwhile, Lake Kasenda has fertile soils around it which favorites the growth of Arabia coffee which has led to the growth of Agro-tourism. However, a visit to Mahoma falls in Kabata village, near Ndali lodge can be arranged for an epic relation with nature.

Do not miss to explore and take a visit to see these beautiful craters as you’re on your chimpanzee safari tour to this region.

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